Take a look at my recent post from Stockholm. Did you notice anything unusual about the colors, or did it look like a regular evening photo with a rich blue sky and warm city lights? Of course color is wildly subjective, so there’s no way to know for sure how you see the photo, but hopefully it looked “normal” to you. Why this sudden interest in colors, you ask? It’s because I did something different with my Stockholm photo – something new. I posted it using a modern color space, breaking free from a convention that’s been dictating digital colors since 1996. Keep reading to find out what that means.
Just 8 years ago, Google launched Google+ – a bold yet quixotic social network that was Google’s answer to Facebook. By 2011 standards it was an admirable attempt at creating something different and new, especially with clever features like organizing your contacts into “Circles” for easier control over sharing with different groups of people. But Facebook’s network effects were just too strong, and Google+ never really stood a chance. Now, in just a few days, it will be shutdown forever.
It’s summer time, so that means travel and outdoors. That’s good for taking more photos, but I may be a little slow making updates over the next week or two. However, I did want to call out a few small changes to the site:
After a lot of work, I am pleased to reveal the new stantonchampion.com. The last version of this site (hosted on Tumblr) had been around since April, 2011 – which was an eternity ago. Since that time:
- Mobile has gone from an afterthought to something central in web design. Responsive tools have emerged to enable this, like Bootstrap.
- HiDPI displays (like Apple’s Retina Display) have become the standard for nearly everyone. Low resolution images are no longer good enough.
- SSL is no longer an option. Encryption everywhere is now the standard.
I wanted to bring my website up to the standards of the modern web, but more importantly I wanted to build myself a nice place to showcase my photos and writing.