Until COVID came along and disrupted global travel, I would usually take a business trip to Seattle about once per quarter. The weather in Seattle can be notoriously hit and miss, and on many of these trips I would often have trouble getting both good light and a free schedule at the same time. Frustrated after a few trips where I had brought my camera and gotten nothing, I nearly left it behind on my trip last June. But I sensed something in the weather forecast that one evening might be nice, and my calendar looked free from a distance. So I took my camera along, and nearly missed the critical time window anyway.
While working late to catch up on emails, I lost track of time and very nearly missed the sunset entirely. The day had been incredibly rainy, but as I suspected the sky started to clear towards the late afternoon. Sometime about an hour before sunset, I realized there might be good light after all, but I had done no research to find a subject. After looking over the map for a few minutes, I discovered the West Point Lighthouse, and decided that would be my destination. I left the office, drove as quickly as I could, and arrived just in time for sunset and the most amazing color from the all the moisture in the air. It was perfect timing and a perfect destination for that evening.
I got lucky, but it was the best kind of luck possible to get to see such a great sunset in such a spectacular location.