Sometime you just wake up and want to take photos. That was the case in 2012 when I took this photo of the Plum Island jetty near Newburyport, MA on an early November morning. I recall having in mind a pretty sunrise, but I ended up getting a cloudy bluish-gray morning instead. Not to be deterred, I went on to take this photo of the clouds over the jetty, mirroring the sea below.
To take this photo, I used a long exposure filter to allow the shutter to stay open for 20 seconds. This turned the ocean into a white mist, which at the time I thought looked really cool. In retrospect…it’s ok. I probably won’t do this again. That said, the misty sea worked well with the clouds in the sky and helped set the overall mood of the photo.
Beyond this, I sadly don’t remember much else from this photo. It was a gray morning, I took several photos, I think my tripod got a little wet, and I went home. Sometimes that’s all there is.