Photo Details
Whenever I visit my family in Colorado, I always look forward to taking night photos. On the same trip where I took my Snowball Road photo in 2011, I also took a drive down nearby Piedra Road to see if I could find any good shots. I discovered this wonderful little barn on that road (it’s almost a shed), and it’s been a go-to source of photos for me for many trips since.
There’s not much more to say that wasn’t already said in my earlier post about my photo on Snowball Road. It was dark and cold, but I was able to find and frame a good subject. I titled this as photo 1 (or I) because I took a second photo on the same night at a slightly different location further down the road, and I didn’t want to confuse them (and I guess I couldn’t come up with a better name when I first posted them). I’ll post that other photo sometime in the future.
Night photos are incredibly fun, and I recommend anyone with a good SLR try them sometime. The results can be incredibly inspiring and reveal the sky in amazing detail.